Sunday, January 16, 2011

cute chip & jol Buddies /sudden deathh of cousins wife

I am getting over the flu so as I drag pictures out of the camera you can see Chip when he 1st decided to
check put the deck and decided to follow Jollimon the dog out. Cute as he creeps out further on the deck.
The top photo is his bush he likes to take branches off of. Chip has that side of the deck. Jolli is supposed to go down in the yard. We flush the deck with hot bleach water after Chip is done and his `buisness' goes into the bushes and under the decking. Husband has a hi pressure  washer thing for what gets stuck because the hoses are disconnected with the freezing temp... (I am lo tech) so I am using a big plastic handle tub from the laundry rooms after each time Chip is out....(I do not think he likes the wet deck...but the sun has been drying it and had been melting the ice so..)  he has a towel when he comes in to absorb his feet...I rather he not be in wet and clean... oh well, I mean I don't want a toilet on the deck?

well, must go my cousin just sent me a message her brothers wife suddenly died ,we did not expect it, she had a tumor but we thought they could do something and she had much more time, she is very young .He is a long distance truck driver with no insurance to cover the 4 mo of medical ICU and now funeral. She went into a coma all very suddenly. Family will  try help work it out but he is worried he will lose his truck. I just went thru this with my dad's sudden death....the surge of pain, emotions, sudden finances to figure out funeral expenses in the thousands...that my husband and I had to deal with, pay for...we were reeling..besides siting in ER as your precious daddy dies and your stroke his hand and talk to him and sit at his side as you instruct the staff to get a priest to have the last rites done and you have your 9 yr old say his good by to Poppy and clasp his hand his `proper hand shake' that the gentleman always greeted him with and said goodbye with.
You sat as the Damn heart monitor kept track of what was going on....when he was taken off the Dr said he did not know how long it would take????  BUT  it was quite a bit longer than anyone thought...
I kissed his face and stroked it and told him how much I loved him and what a great daddy he was...and that I was not ready to lose him....he smiled.... He left with a smile. His heart beat slower and slower.
But Lord I have sat with dying beloveds- for hours knowing they were dying, I have lost my baby son.... so many family members, beloved bunnies X more than I will count,beloved beagle dog, oh I have lost I always said that just knowing them was enough--but as I get older it just gets sadder... but sometimes the pain is oh so deep and painful you wonder how your mind can get past it. I mean these were such wonderful people.   What I do know is that I am thankful
I was raised in a family where they raised all with a sturdy
foundation of religion. My G. grandparents & all the growing
children helped to build the Catholic church. Financially & physically. My favorite Great Uncle was the first person to attend- the school he walked every day something like 8miles (maybe more)and from then on every child attended
this Catholic school & church. They were married, confirmed
had their first communion's all at this church by a big beautiful Lake in a charming small village. I has a short
round, cheerful nun who was the principal, nuns for all my
teachers. The discipline!!!!  Every day we walked across to church. I LOVED IT. The aura inside that beautiful church...
the stained glass windows every single window~real stained glass...I loved family knew the priests many came over to my grandparents for dinner. To me it was as good as the Pope. I always thought I would become a nun so Ialways be in that beloved environment. The Point is that My Dad's family thankfully gave me the foundation Spiritually to live my life...or at least it was a foundation to pull me back on track when I got lost. It stays with you forever.

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