Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet Timothy & a prize in the box?

"I have a new *toy* it's filled with one of my favorites sweet Timothy,
and if I dig around real good I will find a surprise!! Yipee"

~muffled ~ "I know it's in here some where"

"Ohhhh This is sooo yummy....Nom nom nom nom...this is just the best Timothy ever!  uh oh I forgot um why was I  uh..
oh yeah there is a surprise...."

"I will go back in and complete my mission for the surprise."

"ahhh ....this is soooo yummy, I love my Timothy  Nom Nom Nom Nom.. "
Chocolate Chip is eating his Timothy`in a small box that has a wee surprise'
I have not looked for it yet. Shoot let me go look. Ok, how adorable it is a wee wooden carrot. I will post it's photo. It said `fruit flavor' when I ordered it. haha. Too cute! 
 I have used the same place for all of my bunny supplies for 21 pleased years     
   Check them You can have a catalog sent to you free. Run by Real Vet's,They have their own Pharmacy.   I have found that their prices are always lower than all my local pet stores, walmart, target, feed store,you name-it as a pet owner, (we had 3 small dogs and 6 minature dutch bunnies now ) you prices shop. Once you find a place whose prices beat any store... When I bought Chip a corner liter box I found it at Foster&Smith $2 less,They are not just a smidge cheaper. I usually get enough to get free shipping.
Go back thru my blog and see some of his favorites treats.
Hope this helps my fellow Bunny friends.
sorry I have been spotty blogging I have pneumonia presently and feel :<(    coughing and weak ughhhh    going on 2 wks now :<(

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