oh well.. this is `self serve' what can I say? I have learned so much from this bunny...He is soooo stealth..if you open a door to a room he is NOT allowed in ~ZOOM~ suddenly a waft and breeze flow past you. Before you Have any idea what is going on the door is shuddering & you think you saw something? maybe not? You go to look? Nothing ... Chip is tucked quietly under the bed securely in a tight position- under the MIDDLE of the bed. No Way you are going to get him out. No way! just as he intends..yep! smart bunny.
Just like this treat jar. He just hops up on the arm of the chair - like a parrot. He will do thiseven pick the jar he wants. :0) I admit it is soooo cute. He will get to the point that he will push it right off the darn table - over the edge. :0( an alley opps. Not pretty. He will get in the chair & get it to *rock & rolling* for attention! it is a rocker! Then he will not leave you alone when you sit in it, when you have a movie & snack.
Today, I am relocating things in the living room YIKES! His poor brother dog has gone blind except for a wee tiny bit-the vet says like a` pin hole of light' so we have left things for him to be the same so he `knows where everything is'. But he has trouble getting to outside & is having accidents. SO we have set up potty pads, & we moved 1 of his beds closer to the door & pads & away from the TV & stereo speakers. He has a kennel cab w/ fat homemade mattress & all his toys in the other side of the living room. Chip is having his things moved over that way too. Yikes. We have been slowly doing it for days...inches each day...ughhhh. Cleaning, dusting-Discovering as we go. I discovered Chip has eated an entire part of the dust ruffle off of the Sofa !!!! %@^#@% Photos WILL follow. I resigned myself that it is something that can be replaced a new ruffle or new sofa. But still #$@& !!! Wait until you see it. My minature dutch bunnies Never did this. #&$*%@ MINI REX he is so Freakin smart - I am sure he is doing all this in retaliation for ear cleaning,nail clipping & teeth filing ;0) What do you think? He Adores my DH. And will avoid me now at all cost.... hmmmm. But I am not the `snack master'.
Thats it for now.
{{{bunny hugs}} bless you
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